
Europa universalis vs hearts of iron
Europa universalis vs hearts of iron

europa universalis vs hearts of iron

Both games are trully amazing and probably the best games they have ever made.

europa universalis vs hearts of iron

If you are on a budget pick everything up during the steam summer sale coming up. If you don't have CrusaderKings 2, I highly recommend getting all the major expansions, and if you have alot of disposable income, get everything. I have over 4k hours between CK2 and EU4. It has shockingly similar issues which you would think can't be possible in sequels, cause you'd want to believe people learn from mistakes but for some reason the Hearts of Iron QA teams never catch the same blatant red flags. I almost want to liken this games release to hoi3's release. This game is absolutely awful and there are various features that are just poor design decisions and I do not see them carrying this franchise any further than maybe a few expansions for this title. I have 72 hours in Hoi4 and I wish more than anything I never went past the 2 hour mark so I could return it like you did. I highly recommend the Blorg streams also and Cknoor's MP stream which has a few devs secretly playing it. The asimov beta is being showcased every thursday and looks to solve alot of the staleness. It is however very fun early and midgame and they are addressing and have acknowledged these facts about the game. It gets boring after midgame and is hard to finish due to stale gameplay(like all clauswitz games). I can tell you exactly what its major flaw is and it comes close to your turn offs for a game. I'd recommend Stellaris to everyone I meet it is amazing. I have 437 hours played in Stellaris and all achievements.

Europa universalis vs hearts of iron