
Ck2 to eu4 to vic2 to hoi4
Ck2 to eu4 to vic2 to hoi4

For those countries in scope of CK2, conversion treads lightly, only updating necessary elements, eg.This applies to county histories as well - most countries will have a history (monarchs, leaders, advisors) identical to EU4 if they start at 1444.11.11 bookmark If a country's not in scope of CK2, it is untouched. Converter tries to alter the map as little as possible against vanilla.Starting before 1066 will require the player to embrace Feudalism institution as it canonically starts at 1066.Players starting earlier will have to wait for 1453 to begin with regular tech progression as technology during CK2 era does not change much. Converter supports two starting bookmarks - 1444.11.11 and the date of conversion.1.5 Diplomacy, Vassals, Tributaries and Personal Unions.

Ck2 to eu4 to vic2 to hoi4